Seminar on refugees’ vulnerability
Still going the training seminars organized by UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund), in collaboration with PHILOS executives and with the participation of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, the European Asylum Support Office (EASO), the Hellenic Asylum Service and the Reception and Identification Service.
During 15-17 November, an educational seminar was held in the island of Chios. Issues related to sexual and reproductive health, trafficking, gender violence, as well as the recognition, clinical management and treatment of torture victims and members of vulnerable groups, based on the Greek Medical Protocol that has been established and is already being implemented in the centres of first reception and identification of refugees / immigrants were examined.
A total of twenty-two health professionals (doctors, nurses, social workers, lawyers) from HCDCP, Doctors of the World, PRAKSIS and Chios Hospital were trained.
The event is a follow-up to a similar seminar organized at the beginning of the month in Mytilene, while corresponding seminars will be organized in the islands of Samos and Kos, respectively, in the near future.