JA Terror Joint Event Umeå Sweden May 2023
EODY participated in the JA TERROR joint event, which was held at Umeå – city of Sweden, on May 24th to 26th, 2023.
The joint event included the following three separate sessions,
- The “Joint workshop LEPH and JA TERROR”, on May 24, 2023. This joint workshop, part of the European Conference on Law Enforcement and Public Health (LEPH), focused in “the role of the law enforcement in health security”.
- The “Steering Committee (SC) meeting of the JA TERROR project”, on May 24, 2023. The main subjects of the SC meeting were, the preparation for the partnership forum, the future and remaining tasks according to the timeline of the project, as well as the next, required reporting tasks.
- The “Partnership Forum”, on the 25th and 26th of May 2023. The forum had the following core agenda subjects,
- Orthopox clinical guidelines,
- Communication platform,
- Dissemination, sustainability, and priority outcomes,
- National and cross-sectoral guidance on implementation of non-pharmaceutical control measures in response to chemical and biological terrorist attacks,
- Desk research and first draft of methodology discussion,
- Risk and Crisis Communication strategy,
- Stakeholder mapping for governance of dual-use research in both the biological and chemical research sectors,
- Goals for 2023-2024 and
- Survey results.