Refugees and drugs: estimating needs, support practices, preventing risks


The Office of the National Coordinator for Drugs and the Pompidou Group organized in Athens, under the auspices of the Council of Europe, the 12th meeting of the EXASS Net group on “Refugees and drugs: estimated needs, supportive practices and risk avoidance”.

The meeting was divided into three thematic sections:

During the first section devoted to the european policies implemented in drug domain, HCDCP’ s Vice-President, Agis Terzidis, presented the current situation in Greece, as well as the actions implemented under the PHILOS program, both in mainland Greece and in first reception and identification centres operating in the islands.

In the second section, co-ordinated by PHILOS scientific supervisor, Chrysa Botsi, greek police and public entities representatives involved in addictions, they referred to the current institutional framework in Greece regarding illicit substances, while the third thematic section was devoted to the initiatives implemented by civil society organizations.

The meeting was welcomed by Deputy Minister of Migration Policy, Yiannis Balafas, and by representatives of Pompidou Group and Foreign Ministry, respectively.

HCDCP contributed significantly to the successful organization of the event, involving a number of experts on the addictive substances as well as representatives of safety authorities from various european countries.